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About Aurion

Aurion is a student information system designed exclusively for higher education and training institutions. It is developed by Auriga, an independent French company that is an expert in the digital transformation of the higher education sector. Aurion enables educational institutions to manage their administrative, pedagogical, logistical, and financial data in a single centralized system. The system is highly customizable and adaptable to the evolving needs of educational institutions and the higher education sector. Aurion offers several extensions to integrate with standard applications such as CRM, authentication, and office tools. This open architecture allows Aurion to be seamlessly implemented and scaled within complex, multi-site environments with diverse course offerings and a wide range of stakeholders. A key strength of Aurion is its unified management and distribution of critical information across different campuses and teams. Auriga's team maintains a constant awareness of sector developments and works closely with clients to ensure Aurion's continuous optimization and evolution to meet the changing needs of the higher education landscape.
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