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About RealSTEEL

RealSTEEL is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software designed for steel and metal fabrication businesses. It helps manufacturers and service centers streamline their operations and gain better control over their business. The software caters to a range of metal products, including flat rolled, metal framing, multi-line, plate, and fabrication. RealSTEEL offers features to manage inventory, plan production, and track data from the shop floor. It provides control over various aspects of the business, such as real-time inventory management, transparent production, purchasing, sales quoting, and warehouse management. RealSTEEL includes integrated optimization and nesting capabilities, with 1D and 2D nesting tools, as well as integrations with SigmaNEST and ProNest. This allows users to optimize cutting and minimize scrap. The software also captures actual time and material usage data from the shop floor in real-time, enabling better cost analysis, productivity tracking, and data-driven decision making. RealSTEEL offers comprehensive traceability, providing full material visibility from receiving to shipping, including managing outsourced processes and capturing quality measurements.
RealSTEEL Software - Data Analysis
RealSTEEL Software - Inventory
RealSTEEL Software - Production/Planning
RealSTEEL Software - Quoting and Sales
RealSTEEL Software - Shipping
RealSTEEL video
RealSTEEL Software - Data Analysis - thumbnail
RealSTEEL Software - Inventory - thumbnail
RealSTEEL Software - Production/Planning - thumbnail
RealSTEEL Software - Quoting and Sales - thumbnail
RealSTEEL Software - Shipping - thumbnail

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