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About RydrexCRM

RydrexCRM is a comprehensive solution designed to help businesses manage clients, employees, and workflows. The software integrates CRM, HRM, and finance modules to streamline operations. The CRM module assists with managing customer relationships. The HRM module automates routine HR processes and consolidates employee data. The finance module streamlines billing, payments, and financial tracking. RydrexCRM provides reporting capabilities to deliver extensive reports to track progress, evaluate business performance, and support data-driven decision making. The solution includes task management, project progress tracking, attendance summaries, and financial health monitoring.
RydrexCRM Software - RydrexCRM task reporting
RydrexCRM Software - RydrexCRM HR dashboard
RydrexCRM Software - RydrexCRM attendance track
RydrexCRM Software - RydrexCRM finance reporting
RydrexCRM Software - RydrexCRM invoice
RydrexCRM video
RydrexCRM Software - RydrexCRM task reporting - thumbnail
RydrexCRM Software - RydrexCRM HR dashboard - thumbnail
RydrexCRM Software - RydrexCRM attendance track - thumbnail
RydrexCRM Software - RydrexCRM finance reporting - thumbnail
RydrexCRM Software - RydrexCRM invoice - thumbnail

RydrexCRM pricing

RydrexCRM does not have a free version but does offer a free trial. RydrexCRM paid version starts at INR 700.00/month.

Starting Price:
INR 700.00/month
Free Version:
Free trial:

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