iBoysoft DiskGeeker

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About iBoysoft DiskGeeker

iBoysoft DiskGeeker is a disk management tool for Mac that offers technology and algorithms along with multiple functions to facilitate cross-platform disk usage, enhance data security, optimize system performance, and improve work efficiency. With iBoysoft DiskGeeker, users can read and write to BitLocker-encrypted drives and NTFS drives, map network drives, encrypt disks using BitLocker or FileVault, clone disks, clean drives, check and repair disk errors, test disk speed, back up APFS volumes, and uniformly manage multiple disks on Mac.
iBoysoft DiskGeeker Software - iBoysoft DiskGeeker data

iBoysoft DiskGeeker pricing

iBoysoft DiskGeeker does not have a free version but does offer a free trial. iBoysoft DiskGeeker paid version starts at USD 39.95/year.

Starting Price:
USD 39.95/year
Free Version:
Free trial:

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