Overall rating

Overall rating

About FoodNotify

FoodNotify is the F&B Management Platform that allows restaurants, cafes, food service, hotel and catering businesses to manage their operations for multiple locations. The software offers solutions for ordering, recipes, inventory management, catering, analytics, and integrations to third-party systems, like POS or cost management tools. You bring more standardization and transparency to your hospitality business and gain overview and control of your processes.
FoodNotify Software - Ordering
FoodNotify Software - Recipes
FoodNotify Software - Calculation
FoodNotify Software - Inventory Management
FoodNotify Software - Dashboard
FoodNotify Software - Catering Integration
FoodNotify Software - Ordering - thumbnail
FoodNotify Software - Recipes - thumbnail
FoodNotify Software - Calculation - thumbnail
FoodNotify Software - Inventory Management - thumbnail
FoodNotify Software - Dashboard - thumbnail
FoodNotify Software - Catering Integration - thumbnail

FoodNotify pricing

FoodNotify paid version starts at EUR 99.00/month.

Starting Price:
EUR 99.00/month
Free Version:
Free trial:

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