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About WHSuites

WHSuites is a customer relationship management (CRM) and lead management software. It is designed to help businesses streamline their sales processes and enhance customer relationships. The software caters to a variety of industries, such as pharmaceuticals, solar, education, IT, small businesses, and real estate. WHSuites offers features to automate and optimize lead management. It can automatically fetch leads from sources like Indiamart, PharmaHopers, and website forms, eliminating manual data entry. The software allows users to track lead activity and sources, providing insights into the performance of sales efforts. It also has a bulk lead assignment feature that enables users to assign leads in batches, saving time and increasing efficiency. The software prioritizes data security. It has features like IP-based login to ensure the protection of sensitive business information. WHSuites also provides team-wise and employee-wise sales revenue tracking, empowering businesses to monitor their sales performance and make data-driven decisions to drive growth.
WHSuites Software - WHSuites Dashboard
WHSuites Software - WHSuites Dashboard
WHSuites Software - WHSuites Dashboard
WHSuites video
WHSuites Software - WHSuites Dashboard - thumbnail
WHSuites Software - WHSuites Dashboard - thumbnail
WHSuites Software - WHSuites Dashboard - thumbnail

WHSuites pricing

WHSuites does not have a free version but does offer a free trial.

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