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About Glimpse

Glimpse is a rapid, self-service market research tool that leverages AI for real-time analysis of language, emotion, sentiment, and brand loyalty from various data sources. Its user-friendly interface is accessible to all, from executives to interns, enabling efficient collection and interpretation of human language responses on a large scale. The platform supports diverse survey types, multimedia inclusion, and access to a vast global audience or specific groups. Its dynamic dashboard provides in-depth topic and sentiment analysis, enriched with demographic and behavioral data. Glimpse also uses generative AI to instantly generate insights, automate response categorization, and summarize key findings, streamlining market research.
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Glimpse video
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Glimpse pricing

Glimpse has a free version and offers a free trial. Glimpse paid version starts at USD 0.00.

Starting Price:
USD 0.00
Free Version:
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