
Overall rating

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About AireContact

AireContact is a cloud-based contact center solution that provides call center interaction and management tools for multiple channels of communication. The product caters to businesses of all sizes and allows users to create campaigns, manage dialler and manage call queue overflow. AireContact features inbound and outbound contact center, which allows users to manage communication across multiple channels, such as email, live chat, text message and social media feeds (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). The product features "SimplyTALK", which allows users to handle agent interactions and combine caller information in one place. AireContact also features Cloud Dialer, which allows users to upload contacts list from Excel files, manage campaigns, assign prospects to agents and monitor campaign performance in a real-time dashboard. AireContact also includes an additional module called simplyWISE, which allows supervisors to manage their team’s interactions, performance, assign tasks and view waiting and current calls. The vendor offers support for setup, training and implementation.
AireContact Software - simplyAPPS
AireContact Software - simplyTALK - Voice
AireContact Software - simplyVIEW
AireContact Software - simplyWISE
AireContact Software - simplyCONFIG - Agents
AireContact Software - simplyTALK - Chat
AireContact Software - simplyAPPS - thumbnail
AireContact Software - simplyTALK - Voice - thumbnail
AireContact Software - simplyVIEW - thumbnail
AireContact Software - simplyWISE - thumbnail
AireContact Software - simplyCONFIG - Agents - thumbnail
AireContact Software - simplyTALK - Chat - thumbnail

AireContact pricing

AireContact does not have a free version. AireContact paid version starts at USD 85.00/month.

Starting Price:
USD 85.00/month
Free Version:
Free trial:

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AireContact Reviews

Feature rating

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Customer Support
1 review
  • Review Source
Value for Money
Ease of Use
Customer Support

Reviewed on 06/06/2015

AireContact Increased our Agent Productivity by 83%

AireContact enables monitoring in real time. As a supervisor, the system gives me a good idea of what is going on with the agents. I can see call volume for the day, work load, how long calls are taking and pending calls. I can coach and monitor calls as they occur. This real-time data enables me to adjust agent schedules on the fly. I love the different channels
of communication it offers and I like that the agents can also view all interactions in a multi queue. From a supervisory standpoint, AireContact offers robust reporting, I can drill down to understand various interactions handled by my agents.
increased our agent
productivity by

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