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About StratusLIVE

StratusLIVE 365 is a cloud-based nonprofit CRM designed for enterprise nonprofits. The integrated suite focuses on relationship management with features to support online and traditional fundraising, business intelligence, reporting, donor records, marketing, membership, events and more. The system is built on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM platform, with a familiar user interface and native integration to other Microsoft product. This provides access to constituent interactions, transactions and profiles in real-time through web browsers, mobile apps, or directly inside Microsoft Outlook. Marketing features provide multichannel communications including email, mobile, social and direct mail for inbound, outbound and direct response campaigns. StratusLIVE 365 includes hundreds of templates, dashboards, reports, automated workflows and processes specifically designed for nonprofits. It is also customizable to support organization-wide or individual needs and preferences. StratusLIVE 365 is used by a wide variety of charities across the nonprofit community such as animal welfare, health, human services, the environment, arts and culture and more. Beyond CRM, StratusLIVE offers StratusLIVE Ignite, Digital Engagement Platform. This platform eliminates point solutions in digital, online properties and consolidates these solutions to one modern, digital engagement platform that provides ease of use and enhanced donor engagement. Features include online giving, volunteering, event management, DIY and P2P fundraising, community activation, Corporate Social Responsibility program management, team fundraising, and more.
StratusLIVE Software - Customizable Dashboards
StratusLIVE Software - Customizable Donor Form
StratusLIVE Software - Outlook Integration
StratusLIVE Software - StratusLIVE 365
StratusLIVE Software - StratusLIVE Ignite
StratusLIVE Software - Customizable Dashboards - thumbnail
StratusLIVE Software - Customizable Donor Form - thumbnail
StratusLIVE Software - Outlook Integration - thumbnail
StratusLIVE Software - StratusLIVE 365 - thumbnail
StratusLIVE Software - StratusLIVE Ignite - thumbnail

StratusLIVE pricing

StratusLIVE does not have a free version. StratusLIVE paid version starts at USD 1.00.

Starting Price:
USD 1.00
Free Version:
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