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About WeSchool
WeSchool is a user-friendly learning platform designed for teams and companies new to implementing learning solutions. Our platform focuses on guiding instructors to create outstanding courses without the need for expertise in...
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- Industry: Higher Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Daily for 2+ years
Review Source
WeSchool: a virtual real school
We School is easy to use and full of materials useful for students an teachers.
Nothing in particular. I thing it'ld be useful to create a bigger database with lessons, materials, video.
- Industry: Primary/Secondary Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Monthly for 2+ years
Review Source
Easy and fast
It is easy to use and it is possible to write an opinion or to ask something and then waiting for the answer
That it can t be offline and so you can't use it without connection
- Industry: Higher Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Monthly for 6-12 months
Review Source
Amazing Project!
I was involved in a wonderful e-learning experience that I shared with my students and my colleagues: an interacting game-based activity to gain knowledge about the digital world, very well planned and organized by the WeSchool team, that gave me support and advice throughout the whole experience! To be continued....
The difficult part was having the students involved and keep up with the work, and they found sometimes sifficult to download the material
Top WeSchool Alternatives
- Industry: Higher Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Weekly for 1+ year
Review Source
A real and useful experience
Useful and spendable experience for my students.
We took part into a project to help my students to get credits for their PCTO. They played a game in which they learnt google software they didn't know very well. The game, the debate and the final project, written by sharing a document, were all very useful and important parts.
I've liked everything, nothing to complain about.
- Industry: Higher Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Monthly for 1+ year
Review Source
WeSchool: a nutshell
A versatile and accessible environment for implementing the most innovative teaching methodologies (flipped classroom, teach to learn and challenge based learning) that adapts to the different needs of the class and of each student.A platform and a free app that allow me to enhance classroom moments with a new digital dimension.
Critical spirit/collaboration/creativity/inclusion/interaction/flexibility/innovative teaching. Shared learning for each course: teachers comment, share resources and discuss with tutors, authors and colleagues from all over Italy.
Everything was alright. Nothing to declare!
- Industry: Higher Education
- Company size: 501–1,000 Employees
- Used Monthly for 6-12 months
Review Source
Learning by doing and enjoying
Very positive and well structured.
The possibilities offered and practiced.
Some problems with the registration and the development of the course.
- Industry: Higher Education
- Company size: 201–500 Employees
- Used Weekly for 1+ year
Review Source
Help in every moment
The platform Is Easy ti be used and the assistance Is quickly and heplful
I think it's all ok.I used most e-learning courses
- Industry: Primary/Secondary Education
- Company size: 501–1,000 Employees
- Used Monthly for 2+ years
Review Source
Software for learning
Innovative and cooperative
It’s very accessible and easily structured. Excellent assistance.
Nothing in particular. Everything works fine
- Industry: Primary/Secondary Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Monthly for 2+ years
Review Source
The advantages of an online learning platform
I was very satisfied with the game-based learning teaching method used during the course. Thanks to its innovative approach, I was able to learn in a fun and engaging way, putting into practice the notions learned through interaction with educational video games.
Overall, an online learning platform offers many opportunities for learning, allowing students to acquire new skills and knowledge in a flexible, personalized, and interactive way.One of the most important advantages is that an online learning platform allows you to study when and where you want, without needing to be physically present in a classroom. Students can organize their study time according to their needs and personal commitments, without having to give up other activities.
Online learning does not allow for the same physical interaction with other students and teachers as occurs in a traditional classroom. This can be a problem for those who prefer social learning and face-to-face interaction.
- Industry: Higher Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Monthly for 6-12 months
Review Source
A good job
Overall I enjoyed using the platform and couldn't fault it, I also love the emoticons!!
the product is intuitive and easy to use, as a teacher I always need technological tools but I have many classes to manage, so it is important that the products do not hinder my work
I have not found missing features, above all I have always found the solution I was looking for
- Industry: Primary/Secondary Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Weekly for 1+ year
Review Source
Digital citizenship
WeSchool offers innovative, up-to-date and easy-to-use additions to the school curriculum on the subject of Citizenship and Civic Education. The operational proposals are engaging for children and offer interdisciplinary reflections.
It is the second year that I adhere to the WeSchool proposals and I managed to involve other colleagues. I find no criticality in the system or in the organization.
- Industry: Higher Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Weekly for 6-12 months
Review Source
WeSchool for Pitentino
i improved my teaching method
First : topics proposed both as food for thought and as projects to be implementedSecondly: the interaction with other colleques
At the and of the project, during the final event it could be more space to introduce, at least, the projects in competition and not only the winners
- Industry: Higher Education
- Company size: 501–1,000 Employees
- Used Weekly for 6-12 months
Review Source
One of the best online learning tools
Easy to use and with a lot of functionalities. Very complete and charming the section related to test. Very interesting the treating courses proposed.
The courses management and the lession panel should be improved.
- Industry: Primary/Secondary Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Weekly for 1-5 months
Review Source
Easy and useful
Very practical and easy to use platform. The content exchange function and the ease of sharing with other colleagues was very important. Advised!
No problem. Everything was Easy and very useful
- Industry: Human Resources
- Company size: 11–50 Employees
- Used Daily for 6-12 months
Review Source
Much more than just another LMS
When I started using WeSchool, I realized there was an alternative to the boring e-learning-based courses my company used to deliver. Now, I create more engaging learning paths for all my company teams. It's incredible how you can leverage the power of social learning by using a dedicated platform.
- Ease of use- I can actually create engaging courses measuring all the analytics I need - Scalability
- You need to be really motivated as an L&D professional if you want to use this platform
- Industry: Higher Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Weekly for 1+ year
Review Source
Weschool : un’ottima scelta
La piattaforma er mette di lavorare anche da remoto , è facile da utilizzare e i temi affrontati sono interessanti e utili
Il formatore non vede la parte report.problemi delle credenziali di alcuni alunni
- Industry: Primary/Secondary Education
- Company size: 2–10 Employees
- Used Daily for 6-12 months
Review Source
Ottima è stata molto utile per progetti e lezioni
Il poter caricare qualsiasi tipo di contenuto
Mi piacerebbe poter fare videoconferenze con funzione solo docenti
- Industry: Primary/Secondary Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Monthly for 1-5 months
Review Source
D'accordo si ma occorre la presenza e la pratica
Contento di aver partecipato ma i ragazzi vogliono vivere l'azienda esterna per uscire e scoprire il mondo del lavoro
Tutto okay ma i ragazzi ti dicono apertamente prof. quando usciamo per andare in azienda?!!
La .Ancona di una sede esterna alla scuola
- Industry: E-Learning
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Weekly for 1-5 months
Review Source
In compagnia di WeSchool
Per il momento sono ancora in contatto con WeSchool . Seguo la formazione attraverso le videolezioni di Green School su temi come Lo spreco alimentare, L'energia, ecc..
La possibilità di fruire info e conoscenze di diversi temi, tutti attuali, in merito ai quali i la scuola necessità di aggiornamenti continui (sia gli insegnanti che gli studenti)
Forse la mancanza di un quadro generale, una mappa del sito con le sequenzialità dei menù e delle operazioni necessarie per passare da un settore all'altro.
- Industry: Utilities
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Daily for 2+ years
Review Source
Durante il lockdown è stato fantastico
Il prodotto è Facile da usare, intuitivo, per docenti e studenti
Il prodotto è facile da utilizzare, anche per gli studenti
- Industry: Primary/Secondary Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Weekly for 1+ year
Review Source
Apprendimento alternativo
Ho partecipato al progetto STEMcity con la classe quarta dell'indirizzo Turismo. I moduli dedicati sia ai docenti che agli studenti sono stati molto chiari, precisi e hanno guidato tutti i partecipanti nei vari step da seguire. Il lavoro ha permesso di approfondire l'importante tema della sostenibilità e grazie alla fase del gioco interattivo i ragazzi, pur lavorando in gruppo, hanno fatto emergere la loro creatività, originalità e spirito di iniziativa.
Il docente può realizzare lezioni più interattive ma soprattutto rappresenta un ambiente dove insegnanti e studenti possono collaborare. I ragazzi diventano protagonisti nel processo di apprendimento e non più passivi ascoltatori nella tradizionale lezione frontale. Un grande vantaggio è rappresentato dalla facilità dell'utilizzo della piattaforma, resa accattivante anche dalla grafica.
Nonho trovato particolari difficoltà nell'utilizzo della piattaforma.
- Industry: Higher Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Weekly for 2+ years
Review Source
Semplicità ed Adattabilità
L'ho usato e l'uso da molti anni è stato indispensabile quando nessuna piattaforma permetteva di svolgere il mio lavoro di docente ... poi sono arrivate le altre (google, microsoft ecc. ). Molto importante era gratuita e potevo caricare tante classi con tanto materiale ...
L'ho usato quando il registro elettronico era una chimera, avevo la posibilità e l'ho tutt'ora di avere sotto controllo i materiali che presentavo e rilasciavo agli studenti nonchè la possibilità di redigere test veloci per saggiarne la preparazione.
sostanzialmente non ho incontrato nell'uso grandi difficoltà forse all'inizio della pandemia la difficioltà di utilizzarlo per videolezioni ... cosa peraltro superata.
- Industry: Primary/Secondary Education
- Company size: 201–500 Employees
- Used Weekly for 2+ years
Review Source
Qualità e Funzionalità
Interfaccia facile e accattivante, semplice e veloce. Funzionalità adeguata per la formazione.
Il processo di uscita dalla piattaforma senza tasto immediato ma con più passaggi per arrivare alla disconnessione.
- Industry: Primary/Secondary Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Weekly for 1+ year
Review Source
Weschool per la scuola del futuro
Facilità d'uso; materiali di facile comprensione per gli studenti; temi affrontati molto interessanti
quest'anno i tempi sono stati un po' troppo stretti
- Industry: Primary/Secondary Education
- Company size: 51–200 Employees
- Used Monthly for 1+ year
Review Source
Esperienza assolutamente positiva con WeSchool
Ho partecipato con una classe all’attività Futurità, estremamente interessante, attuale e innovativa.Utilizzo inoltre WeSchool per il materiale didattico ( testi e video) che è assolutamente fruibile anche per le attività in classe .
L’offerta formativa è di ottima qualità. I servizi offerti sono eccellenti e ben organizzati.
Non ci sono stati sostanzialmente inconvenienti. La tempistica è stata rispettata. L’assistenza per eventuali problematiche efficiente.