Overall rating

Overall rating

About Hop-place

Hop-place is a collaborative maintenance software that lets you easily centralize, organize, and track the management, maintenance, and interventions across sites, buildings, and equipment. It offers the following features: - Identify and centralize your buildings, sites, and equipment. - Manage requests and reports. - Manage and schedule interventions. - Ensure preventive maintenance and regulatory compliance. - Reduce costs and consumption. - Collaborate with your teams, service providers and users.
Hop-place Software - Hop-place site/building identification
Hop-place Software - Hop-place report requests
Hop-place Software - Hop-place intervention planning
Hop-place Software - Hop-place preventive maintenance management
Hop-place Software - Hop-place site/building identification - thumbnail
Hop-place Software - Hop-place report requests - thumbnail
Hop-place Software - Hop-place intervention planning - thumbnail
Hop-place Software - Hop-place preventive maintenance management - thumbnail

Hop-place pricing

Hop-place does not have a free version and does not offer a free trial.

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