Systancia Access

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About Systancia Access

Systancia Access is an access management, user authentication, and authentication (Single Sign On) solution that provides secure and centralized management of credentials as well as enhances user authentication through Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). It provides users with access experience and offers auditing and reporting features to meet legal and regulatory obligations, depending on the industry. Systancia Access also drives performance to the management of authentication resources, with solutions for application enrolment, enrolment of authentication devices (cards, keys, etc.), and a self-service portal for users who can unlock themselves, reducing the need to contact the organization's help desk.
Systancia Access Software - No screenshot available

Systancia Access pricing

Systancia Access does not have a free version but does offer a free trial. Systancia Access paid version starts at EUR 10.00.

Starting Price:
EUR 10.00
Free Version:
Free trial:

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