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About Aptean AXIS ERP

Axis ERP is built specifically for metals, wire and cable manufacturers as well as processors and service centers. Users can configure the solution to fit the business’s requirements. Axis ERP can be used by make-to-order, make-to-stock and custom manufacturers and secondary metals processor and service centers, ranging from small businesses to larger enterprises. The standard system offers functionality for accounting, sales and quoting, purchasing and receiving, inventory management, MRP, production scheduling, production management, quality tracking and business intelligence (BI). Optional modules include maintenance management, manufacturing execution, vendor managed inventory management and customer portal.
Aptean AXIS ERP Software - Order inquiry
Aptean AXIS ERP Software - Executive summary
Aptean AXIS ERP Software - Maintenance supervisor
Aptean AXIS ERP Software - Inventory
Aptean AXIS ERP Software - Layout
Aptean AXIS ERP Software - Order inquiry - thumbnail
Aptean AXIS ERP Software - Executive summary - thumbnail
Aptean AXIS ERP Software - Maintenance supervisor - thumbnail
Aptean AXIS ERP Software - Inventory - thumbnail
Aptean AXIS ERP Software - Layout - thumbnail

Aptean AXIS ERP pricing

Aptean AXIS ERP does not have a free version and does not offer a free trial.

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