Deal Registration

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About Deal Registration

Deal Registration is a cloud-based solution that helps streamline channel management via automated enforcement rules, deal requests, audit trails, approval hierarchy and more. The software can be used to streamline the deal-making process by sending automated alerts and providing real-time status information. Requests for a deal are evaluated and approved or rejected according to the business rules created by the users. In addition, users can immediately receive notifications of distributor or partner requests, accept or counteroffer them—or forward them to higher management for decisions.
Deal Registration Software - Customize your forms
Deal Registration Software - Deal and statuses
Deal Registration Software - Secure Portal
Deal Registration video
Deal Registration Software - Customize your forms - thumbnail
Deal Registration Software - Deal and statuses - thumbnail
Deal Registration Software - Secure Portal - thumbnail

Deal Registration pricing

Deal Registration does not have a free version but does offer a free trial. Deal Registration paid version starts at USD 975.00/month.

Starting Price:
USD 975.00/month
Free Version:
Free trial:

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