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About MyQ Roger

MyQ Roger is a cloud-based digital workplace assistant that allows businesses to securely access, print, scan, and create digitized documents according to requirements. It offers a mobile application for Android, ChromeOS, and iOS devices. MyQ Roger lets users can select profile scan parameters, including resolution, media size, and color mode from within a unified platform. The selected UI will appear on connected printers.
MyQ Roger Software - MyQ Roger terminal login screen
MyQ Roger Software - MyQ Roger mobile app for iOS or Android
MyQ Roger Software - MyQ Roger mobile app for iOS or Android
MyQ Roger video
MyQ Roger Software - MyQ Roger terminal login screen - thumbnail
MyQ Roger Software - MyQ Roger mobile app for iOS or Android - thumbnail
MyQ Roger Software - MyQ Roger mobile app for iOS or Android - thumbnail

MyQ Roger pricing

MyQ Roger has a free version. MyQ Roger paid version starts at EUR 9.00/month.

Starting Price:
EUR 9.00/month
Free Version:
Free trial:

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Manage your entire print shop with a people-focused core business application built to improve your entire production...

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