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About LearnSOFT LLMS

LearnSOFT LLMS is a learning management software that helps educational institutions including schools and colleges streamline language learning and course management processes across devices. Administrators can add content in various multimedia formats to improve spoken and written English among students. Additionally, it allows administrators to distribute learning materials on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and more. LearnSOFT LLMS offers a variety of features including student profile management, reminders, lesson planning, examination, content distribution and assessment management. It allows administrators to conduct instructor-led or course-based training sessions and track documentation and reporting operations on a dashboard. Additionally, it provides a learner portal, which allows students to enroll and access courses and give exams on a unified platform. LearnSOFT LLMS can either be deployed on-premise on Windows and Linux devices or accessed on a web-based platform.
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LearnSOFT LLMS pricing

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