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About iHomecare

iHomecare is a home health care solution that helps medical institutes streamline operations related to patient monitoring, registration, diagnosis, and more from within a centralized platform. It allows staff members to schedule appointments and send SMS or email-based reminders with details, such as appointment date, preferred doctors, location and medical issues. iHomecare enables healthcare professionals to create consultation documents with information, such as patient details, complaints, diagnoses, prescriptions and specific advice. It allows doctors to monitor patient vitals by integrating the platform with medical devices, such as glucometer, ECG monitor, pulse oximeter, blood pressure monitor, and more. iHomecare allows organizations to integrate the platform with Skype to manage video-based telehealth consultations. Pricing is available on request and support is extended via phone, email, and other online measures.
iHomecare Software - iHomecare ECG monitoring
iHomecare Software - iHomecare dashboard with patient vitals and Skype interface to enable tele/video consultation
iHomecare Software - iHomecare appointments
iHomecare video
iHomecare Software - iHomecare ECG monitoring - thumbnail
iHomecare Software - iHomecare dashboard with patient vitals and Skype interface to enable tele/video consultation - thumbnail
iHomecare Software - iHomecare appointments - thumbnail

iHomecare pricing

iHomecare does not have a free version but does offer a free trial. iHomecare paid version starts at USD 200.00/year.

Starting Price:
USD 200.00/year
Free Version:
Free trial:

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