Veritone Automate Studio

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About Veritone Automate Studio

Veritone Automate Studio is a web-based solution that helps businesses build, deploy and integrate artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled workflows in existing business process automation (BPA) and robotic process automation (RPA) systems. It enables IT professionals to streamline data indexing, language identification and entity extraction processes. The application allows managers to automatically convert text, audio and video content into actionable intelligence. It offers a host of features including geolocation, analytics, data storage management and more. Additionally, it lets administrators detect system anomalies, conduct sentiment analysis and handle optical character recognition (OCR) activities. Using Veritone Automate Studio’s natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, data analysts can gain actionable insights into business data via visualization and speaker detection. Pricing is available on request and support is extended via phone, email, videos and other online measures.
Veritone Automate Studio Software - Veritone Automate Studio custom workflows
Veritone Automate Studio Software - Veritone Automate Studio transcription module
Veritone Automate Studio Software - Veritone Automate Studio media details
Veritone Automate Studio Software - Veritone Automate Studio custom workflows - thumbnail
Veritone Automate Studio Software - Veritone Automate Studio transcription module - thumbnail
Veritone Automate Studio Software - Veritone Automate Studio media details - thumbnail

Veritone Automate Studio pricing

Veritone Automate Studio does not have a free version but does offer a free trial.

Starting Price:
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