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About TestBench

TestBench is a load testing solution designed to help testers, developers and product owners create, conduct and evaluate test sessions. Administrators can create or update existing test cases to define requirements, assign tasks to team members, prioritize topics and analyze outcomes on a unified interface. The platform enables managers to build test designs according to the required specifications using built-in case templates for checklist-based, data-driven, structured, automated and exploratory testing. TestBench lets teams execute a predefined set of test cases at once and compare the outcomes of the current execution with the results of previous tests. It also offers content-translation functionality, allowing operators to collaborate across teams and manage project-specific workflows in real-time. TestBench offers an application programming interface (API), which lets businesses integrate the system with several third-party applications such as Jira. The product is available for free and on a monthly subscription basis and support is extended via email.
TestBench Software - TestBench requirements management
TestBench Software - TestBench test management
TestBench Software - TestBench test execution
TestBench Software - TestBench requirements management - thumbnail
TestBench Software - TestBench test management - thumbnail
TestBench Software - TestBench test execution - thumbnail

TestBench pricing

TestBench has a free version and offers a free trial. TestBench paid version starts at EUR 29.00/month.

Starting Price:
EUR 29.00/month
Free Version:
Free trial:

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