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About Loadmill

Loadmill is a load testing software designed to help businesses across the IT sector record and replay application interactions to automate backend regression testing processes. The solution enables R&D teams to create and execute API tests among applications using web traffic and track the performance of servers across various countries and regions. Businesses can replay the recorded scenarios, define test duration and maximum concurrent sessions to detect bottlenecks and eliminate regression bugs. Additionally, the platform enables administrators to whitelist IP addresses, verify domains and include a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) mechanism to read request and writing response headers while testing web servers. Loadmill offers an application programming interface (API), which lets businesses modify the system and integrate it with several third-party applications such as Jenkins, GitLab CI and CircleCI. Pricing is available on request and support is extended via FAQs, email, phone and other online measures.
Loadmill Software - Loadmill API test parameters
Loadmill Software - Loadmill load test
Loadmill Software - Loadmill recording
Loadmill Software - Loadmill API test parameters - thumbnail
Loadmill Software - Loadmill load test - thumbnail
Loadmill Software - Loadmill recording - thumbnail

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