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The Transportation Management System form EPG is a dynamic rout planning and optimization solution that supports companies in their complex planning of round trips starting in their depots or warehouses. It handles complex delivery processes for shop deliveries, pick-up orders, as well as transfer or multi-site handling, for both trucks and vans. The algorithm of the TMS software takes into account the traffic speeds for specific times of day and specific roads when planning the trips, and calculates the optimum route and the right starting time for any time of day. This results optimized planning of the delivery stops and compliance with time windows. The TMS is available as a cloud-based solution, and using web interfaces, it can be easily integrated with ERP or WMS. The algorithm has already won several prizes for this (e.g., Amazon Last Mile Challenge 2021, PostEurop Innovation Award, Econnections-Program, WISIS Prizes). The TMS Scenario Optimizer™ is a feature that allows the user to perform multiple optimizations with different weights at the same time, thereby finding the optimal route for the user. These alternative calculations can be done for one or more depots at the same time. The user defines the weightings of the factors that are important to him, such as number of vehicles, distance, punctuality and working hours. The TMS offers integration of the EPG ONE™ App that supports the driver with the handling processes. The app offers dynamic, adaptable handling workflows from loading at pick-up and load securing before departure to delivery including signature or photo documentation. All processes are executed digitally and documented online. For further supply chain requirements, other products of the EPG ONE™ Suite (e.g. Contract and Billing) can also be connected. The TMS offers optimum scheduling at the press of a button, reduces transport costs by 10 to 20%, achieves capacity utilization of your vehicle fleet over 95%, enables last-minute updates for flexible changes to trip planning, has an innovative and intuitive web interface, and provides realistic ETA forecasts by using traffic profiles based on time of day.
EPG TMS Software - This screen displays a complete optimization of EPG's TMS, where all unplanned orders that  should be considered have been allocated to vehicles. Each vehicle/tour is represented by a unique color and displayed on the map.
EPG TMS Software - From the overall calculated tour plan, a single vehicle/tour can be selected. It provides an overview of the planned route for a single vehicle on the map, and displays all the actions the driver must perform in the planned sequence & corresponding times
EPG TMS Software - This screen provides the same tour details as the previous one, but it also shows which packages have been planned with specific time restrictions.
EPG TMS Software - Returning to the overall tour plan, this screen displays details. A timeline across the entire day summarizes information for all vehicles. Each driver's actions are represented by different colors, providing an overview of how their time is being utilize
EPG TMS Software - The screen shows stats for the entire tour plan, such as average speed, total duration (drive and handling time), and planned volume/weight. It also sums up unplanned orders, known as "Dropped Sizes," due to missed time windows or limited vehicle capacity
EPG TMS Software - This screen displays a complete optimization of EPG's TMS, where all unplanned orders that  should be considered have been allocated to vehicles. Each vehicle/tour is represented by a unique color and displayed on the map. - thumbnail
EPG TMS Software - From the overall calculated tour plan, a single vehicle/tour can be selected. It provides an overview of the planned route for a single vehicle on the map, and displays all the actions the driver must perform in the planned sequence & corresponding times - thumbnail
EPG TMS Software - This screen provides the same tour details as the previous one, but it also shows which packages have been planned with specific time restrictions. - thumbnail
EPG TMS Software - Returning to the overall tour plan, this screen displays details. A timeline across the entire day summarizes information for all vehicles. Each driver's actions are represented by different colors, providing an overview of how their time is being utilize - thumbnail
EPG TMS Software - The screen shows stats for the entire tour plan, such as average speed, total duration (drive and handling time), and planned volume/weight. It also sums up unplanned orders, known as "Dropped Sizes," due to missed time windows or limited vehicle capacity - thumbnail

EPG TMS pricing

EPG TMS offers a free trial. EPG TMS paid version starts at USD 5,000.00.

Starting Price:
USD 5,000.00
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