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About Merico

Merico is a project management platform that helps businesses analyze codebases to extract relevant information and monitor the overall contribution of developers/team members across projects. Professionals can use the dashboard to track release cycles or sprints and gain an overview of various metrics including modularity, redundancy, test-coverage, doc-coverage and more. Merico allows organizations to configure workflows, receive notifications about project updates and assign tasks to relevant developers based on required skillsets. Managers can track the progress of projects, allocate resources and share best practices/timeline alignment with staff members. Additionally, it also lets users monitor the individual contribution of developers through actionable analytics. Merico enables businesses to integrate the platform with SonarQube, which helps them gain insights into potential bugs or vulnerabilities across codebases. Pricing is available on monthly or annual subscriptions and support is extended via documentation, FAQs and other online measures.
Merico Software - Merico top contributors
Merico Software - Merico project list
Merico Software - Merico repositories
Merico Software - Merico top contributors - thumbnail
Merico Software - Merico project list - thumbnail
Merico Software - Merico repositories - thumbnail

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